Monday, August 4, 2008


When I was just a kid, I asked myself "Why Am I in this World?". When I graduated elementary and entered highschool, that was the time I realized that the existance of a person here on earth has a purpose. A purpose containing their goal. That's the time when my question to myself was answered. That I'm in this world with a puropose;to have a goal and acheive it. Wherein, Imust choose the right path to attain it since everyone of us choose our own paths. I may meet different obstacles but I won't give up. Obstacles are oart of our lives. Just like what others say"without obstacles,life is boring", this always consoles me when I'm down because of my problems. So instead of giving up, I think of moving on. For me, giving up is the hardest thhing to do thingking of my parent's hardworks and my brothers and sisters. I want to strive more; finish my studies and be a someone someday, a certified public accountant. I want to repay my parents for their sacrifces and hardworks and help my brothers and sisters. I promised myself that I will my best to do everything for my family. That I thought is my goal!

1 comment:

CHERWAI said...

You do things for yourself then bring your family with you to whatever successful endeavors you may achieve.